Our COVID-19 policies and procedures

Our COVID-19 policies and procedures
Our health and safety measures are reviewed and updated regularly and may change in accordance with our governments and WHO guidelines and recommendations
The following are some measures that we have introduced to assist us in ensuring you have a safe and very memorable stay with us.
Our reservations team are available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your personal preferences, including levels of service and interaction with staff.
  • We understand that some guests may want contactless payments, so these are available throughout the hotel
  • We have introduced temperature checks for all staff upon arrival to work
  • Advanced health and safety training has taken place to ensure the highest level of hygiene, we have also retrained all the staff in COVID-19 prevention and control measures and will constantly monitor the guidelines from the HSE and WHO
  • Social distancing measures have been introduced throughout the hotel including reduced restaurant and bar capacities and counter screening at reception
  • Hand sanitising stations have been set up in many areas throughout the hotel
  • Increased cleaning and disinfecting schedules have been introduced in our bedrooms and in all public areas with special attention to high use areas
  • The health and wellbeing of all our guests and staff will always be number one. Please be assured that we are doing everything possible to ensure your and their safety and comfort.

Liên Hệ

Địa chỉ

Carna Bay Hotel,
Co. Galway
H91 HT61
VAT Nr 9853498B

Điện Thoại

+353 95 32255



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Gọi Chúng Tôi

+353 95 32255

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